Trees are man's best friend, they give us
fruits and wood, they dress in summer to shelter us from the heat, they undress
in winter so that the sun can warm us. The branches are the metaphor of
human existence, some people often meet others they meet only once
in their whole life, someone will never meet, but the ending is common to
all dissolve in solitude towards the sky that awaits them.


Tempera and oil. 60X70 euro 500

trees and moon

Tempera and oil on wooden board 40X40 euro 400

khaled and me

Lying on the sofa, with her hands between her knees, Mariam
she stared at the whirlwinds of snow that swirled outside the window. One time
Nana had told her that each snowflake was a woman's sigh
unhappy somewhere in the world. KHALED HOSSEINIO Oil on board measures 60X90 euro 500


Trees are man's best friend, they give us
fruits and wood, they dress in summer to shelter us from the heat, they undress
in winter so that the sun can warm us. The branches are the metaphor of
human existence, some people often meet others they meet only once
in their whole life, someone will never meet, but the ending is common to
all dissolve in solitude towards the sky that awaits them.                                  Measure 100X120 Private collection

the prisoner worlds of the osb boards

OSB boards already contain worlds, just see them and set them free. For further information see the section dedicated to them, Tempera and oil on OSB panel year 2021, size 84X125 euro 600